Growing your playlists on Spotify can significantly expand your reach and connect you with new fans. Grow Playlist Followers is an automated marketing playbook specifically designed to drive playlist growth. Here's how to harness this playbook for your Spotify playlist promotion:
1. Select the Playlist you want to Promote
Symphony will automatically detect any playlists you have created on Spotify; if you do not see the playlist you want to promote, you can copy its URL and paste it into the search option.
2. Autoplay a Track
You can select a track from your playlist to autoplay when someone clicks on your ad.
Select a song using the dropdown option
3. You can also set up the playlist website
Navigate to the "Website" tab within Symphony.
Click "Create a new Website"
Select "Promote your Songs, Projects and Playlists"
Click Playlists and either select the playlist that shows up, or copy and paste the link to the playlist that you want to promote
This sets up the direct link to the playlist, enabling users to access it instantly.
3. Set Up Symphony Conversions
Go to the "Symphony Conversions", under "Settings" > "Advanced Settings".
Follow the provided steps to set up this new targeting feature that unlocks growth.
This setup is vital for leveraging Symphony's AI-powered ad targeting to reach audiences who will resonate with your playlist.
4. Follow the "Grow Playlist Followers" Playbook
Select the "anchor" song for which you've set up the playlist link.
Follow the standard "Grow Playlist Followers" playbook within Symphony.
Select Spotify as the primary DSP (Digital Service Provider) on the streaming links to show.
Ensure the playlist link is associated with the anchor song in the Symphony Conversions setup.